About Us

Shakti Enterprise is engaged in trading of various types of export entitlements awarded under India’s periodic Foreign Trade Policies (FTPs) since inception in 1983. Around 2010 we started advisory and liaison services in FTP and Customs matters. Our core competancy lies in claim and utilisation of "Export Entitlements".

Export Entitlements

Export entitlements currently that we deal in are:

Duty credit scrips including:

MEIS (Merchandise Exports from India Scheme)

SEIS (Service Exports from India Scheme)

SHIS (Status Holder Incentive Scrip)


Transferable authorisations including the following:

DFIA (Duty Free Import Authorisation)

DFRC (Duty Free Replenishment Certificate)

We have business dealings with number of leading business houses in manufacturing, trading as well as services sectors and have enjoyed significant patronage from the rubber, electronics, engineering and chemical trade for buying or selling of their export entitlements.

The team:

We are assisted by a dedicated team of CAs, CS and law graduates to handle the liaison and consulting services.

Imports, Arbitrage and Distribution

In 2007 we entered into imports (including import arbitrage) and distribution of various types of performance and bulk chemicals. 

Some of the products that we have imported or have traded include the following:

Citrus oils like orange oil and lemon oil; Hydrocolloides like Xanthan gum; Citrus terpenes, Sorbates, water treatment chemicals like sodium hexametaphosphate, TCCA etc.

The sectors served by us include the following:

Rubber and plastics, textiles, metal finishing, flavour & fragrances etc.



Our relationships with the customers and our associates gives us the edge